Job Search Resources

Job Search Consultation

The San Manuel Human Resources Team will provide one-on-one job search consultations. Recruiters are available via phone or virtual conferencing to review resumes, analyze skills and experience, and make recommendations on potential next steps for your career transition. To schedule a consultation, please call our Employment Assistance Hotline at 909-863-2296 or email

Resume Tips
  • Keep it clear, concise, and relevant.
  • Utilize the introduction or summary to highlight your strengths and communicate qualifications.
  • Choose a format that promotes your applicable experience. 
  • If you are unsure then try using a resume builder or template. offers free services.
  • Adjust your resume in relation to the job you are applying for.
  • Bold key words that you want to stand out.
  • List any awards or extraordinary recognition. 
  • Include measurable accomplishments and milestones. 
  • List volunteer work or organizations you are a part of.
  • Be able to elaborate about everything you list on your resume.
Interview Tips
  • Spend time reviewing the details of the job description. 
  • Research the company. Know the history and any general information. 
  • Dress to impress and with respect for the organizations culture.
  • Give yourself ample time to arrive.
  • If you are interviewing virtually, test your computer or phone in advance.
  • Be fully prepared to communicate the experience that is listed on your resume.
  • Practice with a friend or loved one. It can be fun and it will help you shake some of the nerves.
  • Have your own questions prepared in advance. 
  • Make eye contact when communicating and try to relax.
  • Remember, this is your opportunity to become more familiar with the person(s) interviewing and the company culture.
Job Search Tips
  • Conduct targeted industry searches- Tech industry, hospitality, medical, etc. 
  • Utilize Boolean search strings. Learn if you don’t know. 
  • Know who the industry leaders are in your targeted location.
  • Networking- build a network via social media, volunteer work, and local meet-up organizations .
  • LinkedIn profile set to “open to new opportunities.”
  • LinkedIn self marketing – promote yourself.
  • Think about the "brand” you want to build for yourself on social media. 
  • Search for connections that have experience in your field of interest. Perhaps you can refer one another to future opportunities.
  • Know which organizations are expanding – keep your finger on the pulse of what is happening within your local business community.
  • Stay positive and focused.